Pet First Aid

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Pet First Aid


Gem City Catfe and Francis Kennels are partnering to host Pet First Aid. This two hour class, taught by Steve and Ally Grech, will instruct  pet owners how to properly administer CPR to their cat. Demonstration will even include the aide of our resident celebrity Meowrville, and don’t worry, we’ll give you time to try these techniques out yourself and ask plenty of questions! We will also touch on how to deal with other maladies such as treating bites or diffusing fights, combating obesity, and how we can help our pets ease into old age. Don’t worry dog lovers, we will be covering some canine treatment techniques as well! 


Gem City Catfe and Francis Kennels are partnering to host Pet First Aid. This two hour class, taught by Steve and Ally Grech, will instruct pet owners how to properly administer CPR to their cat. Demonstration will even include the aide of our resident celebrity Meowrville, and don’t worry, we’ll give you time to try these techniques out yourself and ask plenty of questions! We will also touch on how to deal with other maladies such as treating bites or diffusing fights, combating obesity, and how we can help our pets ease into old age. Don’t worry dog lovers, we will be covering some canine treatment techniques as well!