We feature local artists from Dayton in our upstairs gallery. The gallery is open any time during our normal business hours with additional seating.
Sara Wilson Green
About the artist
Not chronologically young (b. 1956 in Detroit, Michigan)
Michigander at heart but terribly fond of Ohio.
Inspiration: “Quiet” moments in time. Finding a view in familiar or new places…
Set up the easel!
Time to paint!
My love of the “view” has been a long standing interest in my life. I often work “en plein air” ( painting observationally outdoors) which requires standing in front of the easel for hours with full focus and study on what you are seeing. For me every work created evokes vivid memories of the day I did it complete with sounds, weather and the connection to that place in time. My studio work is inspired by the photos I have taken while exploring the beauty I find. I have worked in many art media but oil is my confirmed favorite. I am a realist with a dash of impressionism.
I Studied Art at Alma College, Michigan, taught K-12 art all over Ohio including 20+ years in Miamisburg , Ohio. I have been married for 46 years and we have two children, one daughter in law, and two grandchildren. We have lived in Dayton for about 35 years and have a cottage in Michigan. These places, among others, have been a continual source of inspiration. Retirement about 6 years ago has given me the time not only to travel, be with friends and family but to have a more intense focus on art. It seems that “special” places to paint can be found wherever I go.
We have an online application to show your work with us! Click below to learn more and apply!