Cats & Kids at Catfe!
The Catfé is a coffee shop environment, which is quieter and targeted for adults, to keep the stress levels as low as possible for the cats in our care.
AGES | Kids must be at least 5 years of age. Groups may bring one child who is not a member of their immediate family but they must be over 5 years old and have a waiver signed online in advance. Teens 15-18 may visit without a parent or guardian present, but must have a waiver signed online in advance. Since we have limited space in the cat lounge, people of all ages must have a space reserved.
RATES | The cat lounge entry is $10 for non-members and $5 for members. Having 18 living beings on site 24/7 is expensive and this helps us keep our adoption, TNR, and foster programs running!
MEMBERSHIP | Membership is only $25 for one year per household. Members may apply their discounted entry rate of $5 to anyone visiting with them. Read more about how to become a member or make reservations as a member by clicking here.
ACTIVITIES | Bringing your own activities is a great idea! Coloring, reading books, or favorite games are great ways to spend time together and with the kitties!
WAIVERS | You'll sign a waiver in person for your children visiting with you. The online waivers are only for unaccompanied teens.
BRINGING FRIENDS | Parents may only bring one child who is not their legal minor at this time.
BIRTHDAYS & EVENTS | While we love to be included as a special surprise for birthday celebrations for one on one visits or your immediate family, we are not scheduling birthday parties at this time.
RULES & GUIDELINES | Keeping the lounge stress free and safe for the kitties our top priority. To accomplish this, we ask people to follow the following behavior guidelines:
Use quiet voices, move slowly, and play or pet gently.
Let kitties come to you, instead of chasing them.
Let sleeping kitties stay asleep. It can startle them to be woken up suddenly.
Take plenty of photos! Just keep the flash off so it doesn't hurt their eyes.
Let the kitties come to you. Do not pick them up.
Do not let the kitties eat any human food. It makes them very sick.
Be respectful to the other guests and don't invade their space. They are here to have a nice visit with the kitties too.
EXTRAS! | Read more about parking, accessibility and other details on our main visit page here!
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